- 1 1/2 lb Strawberries
- 1 1/2 C Ice Water
- 6 tbsp Honey
- 1-2 Limes
- Champagne or sparkling wine
Hey honey lovers! Hope you are all hanging in there and trying to navigate the new normal during this pandemic. Anyone else feeling overwhelmed with all of the conflicting information? I find it completely baffling but that would be a whole other conversation right? What I would like to talk about is Mother’s Day weekend. It seems like it creeps up on me every year but I feel like this year, above all others, needs to be extra special.

Mothers everywhere have been thrown into the new role of teachers and assistants. We now have to coordinate our kids’ schedules and make sure they are on time for their “meetings” and accomplish their “deadlines” of school work all while our own chores, work and normal duties remain on the list. Mothers everywhere are now having to feed their children 83 snacks a day because for some reason these little humans have become a bottomless pit. How can this be? Mothers now have to add Covid-19 to their list of worries as they fall asleep at night. They have to worry about how to keep their family and relatives safe and how to find that balance of being cautious but also realistic. The secondary effects of this pandemic create more and more stress for any mother out there. Therefore, these ladies deserve a drink!

I decided to feature this recipe for Mother’s Day specifically for the reason that moms out there need a sweet little break from the craziness this world has presented us over the last two months. We love our kids but this is a lot! Will we rise to the occasion? Absolutely. Will we pull our hair out or lock ourselves in the closet a few times a week? Probably. But that’s ok! Because we, as mothers, continue to show up and do what we need to do for these tiny little people. So to all the mothers out there…..I see you, I hear, I feel you and I’m right there with you! We are in this together. Come Sunday morning I hope you get a few minutes of peaceful bliss and enjoy your special day with those you love most. I will raise my glass to all moms who have poured their heart and soul into their family, continue to shuffle their feet chugging their coffee every morning to pour another bowl of cereal and do another load of laundry. I will toast to you all and say a little prayer. I love all the mommas out there! Especially mine:) Happy Mothers day and know that you are all appreciated!

- 1½ lbs Strawberries
- 1½ C Cold Water
- 6 tbsp Honey (Beeyond the Hive is best!)
- 1-2 Limes
- 1 bottle Champagne or Sparkling Wine (can also use Sprite for the kids)
Cut the tops off of the strawberries and put them in the food processor.
Add the juice of 1-2 limes to the food processor as well. I only used about 1½ limes.
Add the honey and pulse the processor until smooth
This next step is based on your personal preference. You can strain the juice through a fine mesh sieve. Use a spoon to scrape the pulp and stir the liquid until most of the juice has drained through. Or if you are fine with a "pulp" texture then you can skip this step.
Chill the strawberry juice for an hour before ready to serve. Can be stored for up to 2 days.
Fill your glass with the choice of champagne (my favorite) or sparkling wine then top it off with the strawberry juice. Garnish with extra strawberries or limes if you'd like!
I had extra juice so I used Sprite and the strawberry juice for a fun little kiddie mocktail for my boys. They loved it! Might also be a great option for a baby shower!