In my industry and with my business I get countless of emails and questions about organic honey. This seems to be a topic that I’m very passionate about and it gets my blood boiling yet I can’t blame the average honey consumer for not understanding the industry like I do. I am here to scream…
Well, I have some sweetness on my mind and I want to share! I recently had my tonsils taken out at the rightful age of 34. I consider myself a pretty tough cookie with a high tolerance to pain. I think that’s a given when you get stung by honeybees for an entire lifetime right?…
I’m baaaack! Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve last posted anything on here. A lot, and I mean A LOT has changed! I have been busy growing this business, falling in love, getting married, moving 2 times and having three little boys. Whew…I’m tired just thinking about all that work!